اتصل بنا

مكتب هونغ كونغ

Add: Flat D 11/F Edward Mansion, 141 Prince Edward Road .Kowloon .HongKong
Tel: 86-13510-9074-01
Email: mark@monkon.net
Moblie: +86-13510-9074-01

مكتب الصين

Add: Room 6-7 Block A Jialinhaoting, No 2003 Shennan Rd (Middle), Futian District shenzhen
Whatapp: 86135-1090-7401
Email: lucy@monkong.net
Telephone: +86 135-1090-7401 +86 135-1090-7401

We are Colonic Machine manufacturer,If you have any question,contact us Pleasse

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