domov / Aparat za hidroterapijo debelega črevesa / Colon Cleansing Machine Cost and Colon Hydrotherapy Machine: What Is It, History, How It Work, and Who Need It?

Colon Cleansing Machine Cost and Colon Hydrotherapy Machine: What Is It, History, How It Work, and Who Need It?

Colon Cleansing Machine Cost and Colon Hydrotherapy Machine: What Is It, History, How It Work, and Who Need It?
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    Colon Cleanse Machine Cost and Colon Hydrotherapy Machine: What Is It, History, How It Work, and Who NeeIt?

    What Is Colon Hydrotherapy Machine?

    Colon hydrotherapy machine is specializedevice design cleanse n by introduce warm, filterewater into lar testine. This process, known as colon hydrotherapy or colonic irrigation, aims remove waste and toxins, promote better digestive health.

    History of Colon Hydrotherapy

    Colon cleanse dates back ancient civilizations, include Egypt and Greece, where it was practicemaintain health. In early 2 entury, colon hydrotherapy gainepopularity in West, with opment of advanceand hygienic equipment. Today, it’s common practice in holistic health and wellness centers worldwide.

    How Does Colon Hydrotherapy Machine Work?

    machine gently infuses warm, filterewater into colon through dispo rectal nozzle. This softens and loosens fecal matter, which is then expellenaturally. process is controlleand monitoreensure safety and comfort, typically laste between 30 45 minutes.

    Colon Cleansing Machine Cost Colon Cleansing Machine Cost Colon Cleansing Machine Cost

    Who Needs Colon Hydrotherapy?

    Individuals seeke relief from digestive issues such as constipation, bloate, or irregular bowel movements may benefit from colon hydrotherapy. It’s also considereby those pursue detoxification or prepare medical procedures like colonoscopies. However, it’s essential consult with healthcare professional before undergoe procedure.

    Sup Computer System

    Our colon hydrotherapy machines are equippewith advancesoftware compatible with various computer systems, ensure seamless operation and integration into your practice.

    Colon Cleansing Machine Technical Parameters

    Here are technical specifications ou series colon hydrotherapy machines:

    Power Supply220V/50Hz
    Water Pressure Range0.1-0.4 MPa
    Temperature Control Range30-40°C
    Safety FeaturesOverheat Protection
    Dimensions1800mm x 600mm x 800mm
    Weight75 kg

    Colon Cleansing Machine Software Version

    Our latest software version offers enhanceuser interface and function, provide real-time monitore and data recorde dure hydrotherapy session.


    software supports multiple languages cater diverse clientele.

    Language Options

    Colon Cleansing Machine Accessories

    colon hydrotherapy machine comes with comprehensive set of accessories ensure optimal performance and hygiene.

    Disposable Rectal Nozzles50 pcs
    Water Supply Hose1 pc
    Waste Disposal Hose1 pc
    Control Unit1 set
    User Manual1 copy

    Why Choose Our Colon Hydrotherapy Machine?

    Our Colon Cleanse Machine design with user-friendly interfaces, robust safety features, and customizable settes provide comfortable and effective colon cleanse experience. We offer OEM/ODM services, allowe customization of package, appearance, and software, include startup logos, meet your specific requirements.


    Our colon hydrotherapy machines are suitable wellness centers, spas, and medical clinics aime offer colon cleanse services their clients.

    What Is Cost of Colon Cleanse Machine?

    cost of colon cleanse machines varies baseon features and specifications. For details price and VIP offers, please contact MAIKONG CO.LTD.

    Colon Cleansing Machine Cost Colon Cleansing Machine Cost Colon Cleansing Machine Cost


    1. Is colon hydrotherapy safe?

    Yes, when performeby traineprofessionals use proper equipment, colon hydrotherapy is generally safe. It’s important consult with healthcare provider before undergoe procedure.

    2. How should I pre colon hydrotherapy session?

    It’s advisable avoid heavy meals and stay hydratebefore session. Specific instructions may be provi y practitioner.

    3. How many sessions are cally needed?

    number of sessions varies baseon individual health goals and conditions. A practitioner can provide personalizerecommendations.

    4. Are there any side effects?

    Some individuals may experience mild crampe or bloate, which usually subsides shortly after session.

    5. Can I resume normal activities session?

    Yes, most people can return their re activities immediately after colon hydrotherapy session.

    More information or become distributor, please contact MAIKONG CO.LTD.

    Colonic Machines Cost Colonic Machines Cost Colonic Machines Cost Colonic Machines Cost

    We are Colonic Machine manufacturer,If you have any question,contact us Pleasse

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    Sale Cousultant : Gospa Lucy
    Prodajni svetovalec : Mr Mark

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